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5 teas to keep you sane

Stephanie Phillips


Every continent on Earth has their version of a good brew. There is no better way to dispel stress, refocus the mind or unwind at the end of a long day. But all teas are not created equal and too often the only teas we have on offer are poor representatives of what herbal teas have to offer.

Here are 5 teas that everyone should have at home or in the office. You can drink these herbs on their own as “simples” or blend them together to create your own concoctions. They are all gentle enough to be drunk several times a day.

Chamomile (Matricaria chamomilla)

Chamomile is the matriarch of bedtime teas. This plant will help you not only fall asleep but stay asleep. Sip this tea 30 mins before your desired sleep time. But beyond helping with sleep, Chamomile has so many other properties: it helps to heal the digestive system, it is a strong anti-microbial so can help prevent and heal cold symptoms, and it is an anti-spasmodic meaning it helps with pain caused by any sort of cramping from menstrual pain and muscle tension to bloating and gas. Instead of drinking the dust masquerading as chamomile in teabags, make sure to seek out some loose-leaf flowers. You will notice the difference straight away.

Stinging Nettles (Urtica officinalis)

Nettles produce a deep emerald green tea that is full of vitamins and minerals including Iron and Calcium which is very restorate to the adrenal glands. These glands, that sit like little party hats above our kidneys, take a beating when we are constantly stressed as they are responsible for secreting adrenalin and cortisol. This tea is deeply nourishing and most certainly the best choice for anyone who suffers from seasonal allergies.

Oatstraw (Avena Sativa)

Oastraw, like Nettles, is a deeply nourishing “nervine” tea that is said to replenish the myelin sheath, the double lipid membrane that surrounds our nerves. This is the tea to sip on when you feel like everyone and everything is getting on your nerves and you breakdown at the smallest disappointment or frustration.

Lemon Balm (Melissa officinalis)

Lemon Balm is also a potent “nervine” soothing over taxed nervous systems and promising to help us to regain a more positive outlook. This herb is also specific for anyone who tends to develop Herpes Simplex, commonly known as cold sores, when they are stressed.

Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)

Tulsi is considered an adaptogen, meaning it helps regulate the stress response in the body. It stops the rollercoaster ride of adrenal highs and slumps, helping the body stay balanced through times of transition, physical or mental stress. It is also delicious.

Taking the time to brew a cup of tea is a beautiful act of self-care whether you are at home or the office. The more intention you bring to it, the more therapeutic both the act and the tea itself can be. Take your time sipping your tea. Hold your cup in both hands. Drink it as though you are holding the whole universe between your palms. Notice its warmth from your fingertips to your belly. Inhale and exhale with each sip.

Drink up and be well!

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